The friends book
This amazing friends book that we have put together is something you cannot miss. The friends book is fully equipped to know everything about your teammates. But you can also buy this booklet yourself and give it to all your hockey friends. Do you really know everything about your friends or do they still have nice things to say? Purchase the booklet with your team and you can enjoy fun stories all summer long.

Hingly socks
The socks are available in different colors and sizes. Buy matching socks with your teammates and you will be ready to start playing hockey again next season. But they are not only fun for next season, but also for the coming period and during the summer break. Hingly socks are perfect to wear all the time.

Print a shirt
For your hockey friends. Think of a nice text that is typical for your team or friends. Have this printed on a shirt and you always think of each other when you wear the shirt. The Hockey Center has an entire lifestyle collection with all kinds of nice shirts and sweaters. Maybe you'll find something nice there to wear together. Think about it, let us know and we will arrange the nicest shirts for your hockey friends.